Linked In Account
Tania Mansfield - Linked In account
Professional Blog
Learning to wear the big shoes: Moving into Educational Leadership. |
Articles & Presentations
Here are some of the presentations I've been a part of and the articles I've written for school or other publications:
A collaborative Blog site to celebrate our educators, our learners and learning.
Inpiration Talk - 3E conference
3E Conference - "This time its Personal"
Studio 5 - A model of self-directed learning
An article - in Shanghai Daily on developing Young Global Citizens. Interviewed on our IB perspective.
The purpose of SLCs
Staff presentation to develop PLCs
Presented PTC London July 2014
This website was developed as part of my Master’s in Educational Leadership and Administration. Research into the development of and the barriers to e-learning in the elementary classroom in China (Mainland) and New Zealand.
Parent Presentation - Toolbox for support learning at home (Oct 2014)
Newsletter - Teaching staff Professional Development
School publication - Teachers teaching teachers.
Early Years Parent Presentation - Intro to the PYP (WISS)